Update: Why We Were Gone.....

Hey guys!
It’s Savannah and Ritika and its been a while since we posted on our blog and we would like to apologize. The reason why we stopped writing was because we were juggling with lots of work and at the same time handling and trying to figure things out for the blog, that we did not keep our priorities straight and instead missed lots of school work because we were too distracted on the blog. Update on our life; we graduated “MYP5” and now we have 2 more years until we graduate high-school! Whoop Whoop! We are both going for a different degree but that does not really matter because we have made a timeline and different plans for the blog and we will post more frequently once the academic school year will start. We currently have our summer vacation; so Savannah went to Hong Kong, Netherland and she will go to Indonesia in few hours, while Ritika is in India.


Twitter: @it_issava / @riitika_v
Instagram: @sava.herra/ @riitika_v

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“A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.”